Who can apply for funding?
To apply for funding a business needs to work with one or more of our BPA R&D partners (AgResearch, Scion, Plant & Food Research and Callaghan Innovation) or a New Zealand university. If you need an introduction, or would like some help figuring out which partner or university might have the expertise you need, please contact the General Manager Nicky Solomon, nicky.solomon@bioresourceprocessing.co.nz
What are the deadlines for funding applications?
Please see our section on Key Dates under ‘Apply Now’.
How will my application be assessed?
The BPA assesses eligible projects based on their value, market potential, technical readiness, IP position, value chain integration and partner relationships, financial robustness, environmental performance and risks. The amount and quality of information required depends on the project stage. In some cases, the BPA might opt to facilitate proposals for R&D funding through other sources, such as Callaghan Innovation, rather than provide co-investment itself.
We aim to assess proposals quickly. Our Science Leadership Group (SLG) usually meets within two weeks of the closing date to review proposals. Small projects and student projects can be approved by the SLG on the spot, while larger projects approved by the SLG are then reviewed by the BPA board within a month of the closing date. Applicants are advised of the outcome as soon as possible after these meetings.
Can I use BPA funding for our company’s technical staff?
The provision of BPA funding enables industry partners to access the technical facilities, research and processing knowledge and expertise, and scale up capabilities of the BPA network. BPA funding cannot be used to fund a company’s technical staff.
Can students work with the BPA?
Yes, we welcome applications for student projects. Students can apply here.
What types of projects does the BPA fund?
Applications are generally related to commercial projects or to student projects, although we do occasionally fund enabling infrastructure.
To be eligible for funding, projects must:
- Add value to, or create value from, a biological by-product or secondary stream
- Be led by a BPA R&D partner (AgResearch, Scion, Plant & Food Research and Callaghan Innovation) or a New Zealand university
- Involve an industry partner who can make a cash and/or in-kind contribution to the project
- Have clearly identified economic, environmental and/or social benefits
What does the BPA look for in project proposals?
In assessing new projects, the BPA considers:
- The bioresource stream’s volume and current sales value/disposal costs.
- The product(s)/process/technology that might be commercialised from the bioresource stream and indicative volumes and values of these.
- How the product(s)/process/technology might be developed and commercialised.
- Commitment of an industry partner to commercialise the opportunity. The partner could be a business or group of businesses, industry body, economic development agency, or local or regional council.
- Degree of collaboration between one or more BPA R&D partners and/or a university. This is not a prerequisite for funding but is encouraged.
How much funding is available through the BPA?
Funding totalling around $2.4m per annum is available for technical and industry development across a range of projects. A large percentage of this will be offered as co-investment into specific business opportunities. More more information, contact the General Manager Nicky Solomon, nicky.solomon@bioresourceprocessing.co.nz
How much and what type of co-funding is required from us?
Cash co-funding is required and in-kind co-funding is welcomed. In kind co-funding can include things like raw materials, access to processing equipment, staff involvement and expertise. The proportion of co-funding is expected to increase the closer a product gets to market but the guideline is a contribution of 25% cash co-funding. Where in-kind co-funding is provided, the goods, services and information being offered must be described and valued. This might include the industry partner’s input into developing and launching the product/process/technology, such as the marketing, operational and business tasks.
Note that funding from a government source cannot be used as cash co-funding. That is, a government grant cannot be used to co-fund a BPA grant.
Can the BPA fund more than one project with the same business, or multiple projects related to the same initiative?
Yes. The BPA is happy to support multiple projects within one company or related to the same initiative. We understand that it often makes sense to complete a small project to determine the feasibility of an idea and then follow up with a larger project or projects as the idea moves towards commercialisation. Each project proposal is assessed on its merits and its fit with the BPA criteria.
Which sectors does the BPA work with?
Forestry, marine, agriculture, horticulture, dairy, wool and meat processing sectors are covered by the BPA.
How is Intellectual Property (IP) handled?
In each BPA project, the BPA R&D partner leading the project has responsibility to manage Intellectual Property (IP) arising from the R&D in a way that meets the programme’s objective to maximise benefits to New Zealand’s economy.
In some cases, this means making research results available to others, so that relevant groups can understand opportunities and build on the learning. In other cases, this may mean providing a company (or companies) interested in commercialisation with the first opportunity to commercialise IP that arises from a project.
In each case, the approach is tailored to account for the stage of commercialisation, the company contribution and aspirations, and the BPA’s goal to incentivise commercialisation and ensure that research outcomes will be leveraged to create value for all of New Zealand.
The commercialisation strategy and IP management approach for each BPA project will be tailored to:
- Recognise the BPA’s objective to maximise benefits (economic, environmental, and social) to New Zealand from IP arising from projects.
- Efficiently de-risk new opportunities and build confidence in market, technical and economic feasibility to enable promising technology to go forward.
- Recognise the interests of organisations contributing to a BPA project. This may be an interest to better understand options to add value to a by-product of processing; or may relate to the company’s interest to build its competitive position through the development of IP.
- Make IP available to companies committed to the scale-up and commercialisation of new technology, alongside providing mechanisms for IP from BPA projects to be used if a company’s commercialisation activity ceases.
- Consider the Treaty of Waitangi and reflect Māori values.
- Where appropriate, promote knowledge from BPA projects to be shared across BPA R&D partners and through publications, in alignment with commercialisation objectives.
Please contact the General Manager Nicky Solomon, nicky.solomon@bioresourceprocessing.co.nz for further information about IP.