Our process

All applicants must work with one (or more) of our R&D partners to submit a proposal. If you need help finding a partner who’s the right fit for your proposal, please contact our General Manager Nicky Solomon on email nicky.solomon@bioresourceprocessing.co.nz

Applications can only be submitted via a BPA R&D partner (AgResearch, Scion, Plant & Food Research and Callaghan Innovation) or a university.

To be eligible for funding, projects must:

  • Add value to, or create value from, a biological by-product or secondary stream
  • Be led by a BPA R&D partner (AgResearch, Scion, Plant & Food Research and Callaghan Innovation) or a New Zealand university
  • Involve an industry partner who can make a cash and/or in-kind contribution to the project
  • Have clearly identified economic, environmental and/or social benefits

Before you submit, please ensure that:

  • All parties have signed the proposal
  • All the required fields have been completed
  • There is a clear project plan, with defined time frames for deliverables and clear criteria for any go/no-go decisions
  • All parties are clear about the IP arrangements, and understand the BPA’s guiding principles with regard to IP

The link below will take you to the BPA Good Grants platform where the application can be uploaded.

Upload application

Please note that new users will first need to register.

There are two project categories:
Commercial projects generally involve companies and have cash and/or in-kind contributions from these companies. Click the link below for our template for commercial project applications:

Proposal template

Student projects can be internships or Master’s projects. Interns can be sponsored by a business or a BPA R&D partner, but if hosted by a business the student will need to be supervised by a relevant BPA R&D partner. Post-doctoral projects may be considered but please check with the BPA first.

Click the link below for our template for student project applications:

Proposal template

Case Studies

The Bioresource Processing Alliance is proud to work with a diverse range of industry leaders

Apply now and let’s work together to bring your project to life